Project “Opening the Brain” with the participation of actors from the “Old Town Theatre”. 15 August 2002, Užupis
Open your Brain
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Open Your Brain Campaign!
I am pleased to inform you that everyone here has a brain. Let me briefly remind you what the human brain is made of, how it works and how to use it. The brain (telecephalon) consists of two hemispheres (hemispheria cerebi).The inner surface of the hemispheres is flat and the outer surface is enveloped.The brain of a man weighs on average 1380 g. The brain of a woman weighs 100g less. Surface area about2200cm2. The surface of the hemispheres is carved with furrows and furrows. The cerebral cortex contains so-called projection zones, which perform specific functions – vision, hearing, smell, movement, etc. About half of the surfaces of the cerebral hemispheres are occupied by the so-called association zones, which connect the various projection zones. The association zones analyse and synthesise the information entering the brain. The left hemisphere of the brain performs the functions of language and logical reasoning. The right hemisphere is involved in emotional artistic activity and imagination.
We will now briefly discuss how the brain works. It has been observed that damage to the hemispheres of the brain (e.g. concussions) leads to impaired speech and coordination and paralysis. This has been widely used in military practice and in everyday life since ancient times. The unique properties of the human brain to speak, think, cognise and act are attributed to the higher cortical function.The whole system works on the principle of feedback. The modular system uses the information it receives, processes it, records it in memory and in other cortical areas, from which the response is fed back to the cortical neuronal ensembles. The modular system is characterised by 2 features: 1. Depending on the information received, each group of modules forms a distribution system 2. The result of the interaction of all the distribution systems is the creation of abstract concepts about the individual and his environment. The information distribution system transforms the information received in the cerebral cortex into images and creates in the consciousness of each person a unique picture of the world around him. The workings of human consciousness are complex. It is determined by behaviour, motivations, emotions, memory, which is the acquisition of activities, skills and knowledge of the diversity of the world. The totality of these qualities constitutes the human Intellect. The totality of mental states that are not directly perceived and controlled by man is called the Intellect. Subconscious mind. Sensory information is processed in the brain, perceived and becomes a sub-sensory system that informs the individual about his inner state and the external world. Thinking is logical (probabilistic), which begins with an analysis of a premise and ends with a conclusion. Thinking can also be illogical – intuitive, based on hunches and emotions. The highest form of thinking is original thinking or creativity.
Now we need to discuss the consciousness that arises in the workings of the human brain and how to use it correctly.
Here it is important to make the right choice between the two main systems of interpreting consciousness. Materialists understand consciousness as the product of highly organised matter. They consider consciousness to be indistinguishable from other physiological functions and argue that the brain produces consciousness as, for example, in the brain. The kidneys produce urine. The mechanistic interpretation of consciousness is based on the analogy of a television set, which can be repaired like a clock if it is broken. Memory is recorded and stored by inherited DNA. According to materialistic psychology, the movement to new information is only possible through a linear -sensory channel and the addition of new data to previous ones. This also applies to the interpretation of phenomena such as Mind, Religion, Art, Science. Deviations from the so-called “correct understanding of reality” are treated in some quarters as a disorder of the sensory organs and a serious sign of pschopathology, a disease. The main thrust of psychiatric therapy is the elimination of the symptoms of any unusual phenomena and the return of the individual to the harmonious perceptions and experiences. Materialists do not explain mystical experiences, visionary experiences, alternate realities.It requires a change of worldview, a move beyond the physical existence of the individual. Someone who initially sees matter as the basis of existence and perceives the mind as a manifestation of matter may discover for the first time that consciousness is the only reality. This is demonstrated by LSD psychotherapeutic sessions which evoke transpersonal experiences. Through their experience it is possible to perceive that in some as yet unexplained way each one of us can have information about the Universe, to feel that we are part of an infinite cosmic network This in itself is valuable for the creative process. It is not by chance that this hemisphere of the brain stands at the gateway that separates not geographical space but these two realities: the correct, coordinated perceptions, the ordinal realm, and the parallel, altruistic, mythical, archetypal realm of entities and transpersonal experience. The experience of this reality in itself requires a change of world-view, which requires only the experience of crossing the boundary between the two realities.
Go ahead – change your outlook! Open your consciousness ! Long live the Alternative Reality and the freedom of creation! We are for the Right Hemisphere of the brain! Creative consciousness is the most conscious of all consciousnesses ! Cosmic Consciousness is the Force ! Open your mind! Open your Brain !
Open your maind !
Open your maind !
Open your maind !