Travel Guide

Travel Guide

Talking about space is like talking about something that nobody cares about, is irrelevant and unpopular.

Space is simply too big for human comprehension. There is a lot of space, room and ignorance that prevents the enjoyment of a modest knowledge filled with religious explanations about the creation of the world or new scientific discoveries in the field of space. The traditional religious system and scientific progress have different understandings and explanations of the same world, the cosmos.

We now have the opportunity to look at an image of the Earth taken from the surface of the Moon.

By stepping back from the Earth in this way, we realise that the same laws are at work in space. The Sun and the Earth emerged from the cosmic nebula, and ultimately we ourselves are part of the cosmic consciousness from which everything emerges. Everything is cosmic, because everything came from the cosmos. We are part of the process of creation which continues throughout infinity.

The mythologist Joseph Campbell, speaking of the place of myths in the modern age of expanded consciousness, when the horizons that separate religious forms are disappearing, asks what the new mythology should be. Probably the one that takes place in the now man-made scientific knowledge of the universe.

And nothing expands knowledge and makes you want to discover an even fuller experience of life than travelling  through the immensity of space.

Let us be driven by this desire and choose a guidebook for our future journeys that will illuminate our destination. If we choose a good travel guide correctly, our journey will be successful and enjoyable. We usually choose from local mythological figures or existing traditional ceremonial systems. These are known beings who have lived on Earth for generations before and have now moved on to higher and brighter realms, always ready to help us. It is not advisable to go on a journey alone (hitchhiking) or hoping to find someone along the way. In such cases, the journey will be very bad and most of the time it will be one way …

As Buckminster Fuller says, “we are now all passengers on this one spaceship, Earth, hurtling aimlessly through the huge night of space .”

Have a great flight, everyone.

AM 2019


Works from the exhibition “Travel Guide” 2019 04 27

Welcome to Earth 2019

Phantom 2018

Atu and Iga 2017

Lost 1-7 2016

Treasure and Heart 2019

Emergency Exit 2019

Contact 2019

Sonder 2018